Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Be A People Person - What Draws Others To Me?

Understanding what people like about you and why

People Principles

- The key to developing charisma: Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than you are in making them feel good about you.

- Traits of a person with charisma;

Concern - What they show.
Help - What they offer.
Action - What they provide.
Results - What they produce.
Influence - What they do.
Sensitivity - What they follow.
Motivation - What they give.
Affirmation - What they share.

- Charisma is a trait or quality in our life that can be developed! The potential lies within each one of us.

Do you want to be a positive influence on others? Five factors come into play:

Who I am - my position or title.
Where I am - my location or job.
Who I know - my sphere of influence. People open doors of opportunity.
What I know - my expertise. This will keep in you in position long after who you know wears off.
What I do - my production, character, credibility.

Roadblocks to CHARISMA

- Pride
- Insecurity
- Moodiness
- Perfectionism
- Oversensitivity
- Negativism

Taken from Be A People Person by John C Maxwell.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Blast from the Past - Hand Shakes

After the CGBC Youth Camp 2010, you know what we did? We went back to Ipoh! That's right! Then during the subsequent weekends, there was an announcement during youth meeting in church. (January 15 2011)

The announcement was that Doreen will change her name to Esther. No-lah, just kidding.

It was some sort of a hand-over announcement thingy. (The writer was not so sure coz he wasn't there and he is kinda lazy to ask around of what happened).
L-R: Pastor, Queen and Dor.

Dor: Let the hand-shaking begin!


U-Gene shows us how to do it. Carrie in the background follows. Ykit will do so in the next photo.

Ykit: Is this how you do it?
U-Gene: Nope. Watch carefully in the next photo.

U-Gene: Now this is how you do it! *shake*shake*rattle*roll*

Dor: Keep it up guys! I'm doing it too!

CEC and Holy Sister Cheng are able to start doing it.

But U-Gene is the best hand shaker in the ceremonial event.

That is why CEC, in this final photo, is clapping.

Oh waitaminute. They were CLAPPING hands ah? Eh, sorry I thought they were doing some special Kung-fu Invisible Fist of the North Eagle or something. My apologies.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Revolution: Testimony from Sam Y Lo! Episod Kedua

As part of the Recess Revo movement, our very own Sam Y Lo gave another testimony! Here here, check it out!

Simple Wishes :)
Hey again! School has been awesome so far! Excited for what is to come! :) Been seeing some of the CF members catching the vision! Praying for it to spread like wildfire!

Well it was Teacher's Day, but they never did have any real celebrations but just read-out from letters from the men in power from the education department during assembly due to the on going exams. The teachers looked like they couldn't be bothered by what was being read out to them. In my heart, i thought, man, they deserve better! So i decided that i would greet every teacher i see Happy Teacher's Day! So i did!
And guess what among all the teachers that i wished, ALL OF THEM had smiles plastered on their faces! Some were shock that there were actually people bothered to wish a teacher on teacher's day!
Though it was something small, but i believe that seeds were planted!

All glory and praise be unto God!

Read more about it here!

Do YOU have a testimony? Or two? Or three?

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Blast from the Past - Taiping Zoo!

On a fine hot Saturday some time this year, before today's date, a few of us monkeys youths took a trip to the Taiping Zoo!

Took the 10:30 train down town...

When the train conductor realized that none of us had paid for tickets, we had to take a walk.

Since some of us carried a camera, we decided to take a few pictures of some monkeys. Before that, we took a picture of a few humans first. (you thought I was referring to the above photo subjects as monkeys? never read finish one you...)

Now, this was the monkey I was referring to. His name is Mike, the Overweight Orangutan.

Since some of us carried a camera, we decided to take a few pictures of some monkeys. Before that, we took a picture of a few humans first. (you thought I was referring to the above photo subjects as monkeys? never read finish one you...) Oh, by the way, the one in the middle is called Mun-key.

They were happy. There were trees. And they were friends. HAPPY TREE FRIENDS.

"Hello, can I speak to [insert name of somebody from CGBC Youth here]?" asks Timothy.

Now, let's take a look at some of the memorable animals that we saw.


The rhino saw us. (read fast fast)
Horses with stripes.

Which is the biggest elephant you see?

The slithery snakes refused to take pictures alone. So our youths teman them.

Kenneth: Ne-ga-ra-ku.... ta-nah...
Timothy: No, I'm camera-shy!

Monkeys. First friends, then I dun wanna friend you liao.

The White Swan, starring Natalie Portman. Apparently she is deaf and mute.

So our youths (+ 2 leaders) decided to clap hands to the swan, deaf and mute style. (true story) (note that the swan is in the background)

Since no feeding of monkeys were allowed, they decided to feed themselves.

We happened to know a friend who works there so they allowed us to take home two monkeys! Now they are part of our youth!

Proof below:

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tomorrow is 4th Saturday So...

Yo-yo-yo! I'm sure everyone enjoyed the game of Ultimate Frisbee last week! So for those of you who want more, take note that there is this:

Agenda: Frisbee Practice
Venue: YMCA Ipoh
Date: 28/5/2011 Saturday
Time: 5-7pm

Anyone interested are welcomed to join!
There will be fun!
There will be Frisbees!
There will be the field!
There will be ... people!
Pikturs R KopiKanan Adrian Lai 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ultimate Frisbee!

Whilst awaiting Ee Mun (the one with a gun) to upload the Frisbee photos, let's take a look at the video instead!

And our very own Adrian Lai drew a picture of what occurred during the game! (like courthouse like that... cannot take picture but can draw pictures... lol)

Will upload the photos as soon as I get them!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Be A People Person - What Draws Me To People?

Understanding the qualities you enjoy in others

If you are a believer in Christ, then you need to be a people person. Jesus exhorts us to love one another (John 13:34). And Apostle John explains that if we truly love God, then we must love our brothers too.
(1 John 4:20-21)

People Principles

- Our success, fulfillment and happiness depends upon our ability to relate to people effectively.

- The key to relating to others is putting yourself in someone else's place instead of putting them in their place.

- Treat people the way you want to be treated:


- See people as assets, not adversaries.

- The word "we" is the most important word in the English language.

Ask yourself:

1. Are you quick to respond to others' needs?

2. Do we run from problems or face them?

3. Do we talk more about bad news or good news?

4. Do we give people the benefit of the doubt, or do we assume the worst?

In the Dictionary:

The least important word:
I (gets the least amount done)

The most important word:
We (gets the most amount done) - relationships

The two most important words:
Thank you - appreciation

The three most important words:
All is forgiven - forgiveness

The four most important words:
What is your opinion? - listening

The five most important words:
You did a good job - encouragement

The six most important words:
I want to know you better - understanding

Taken from Be A People Person by John C Maxwell.

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Making Of... Easter 2011

Heyyyy! Some of us may have watched a DVD before (some may have not). For those in the earlier category, we may notice there is a "Bonus Features" in the DVD menu (some may have not). Therefore, with this posting author feeling generous, I shall present you with the Bonus Feature of the Youth Easter production - The Making Of.....!

Joy: Oh, it's raining outside! I am so grateful! *happy*
Ange: No-lah! It's just some 'release' of some bird passing by! *giggle*
Left to Right: Looking down, looking up, looking straight and looking to the left.

YKit: I am the director. I direct you. Please follow my directions! Action not words!

Vincy: Why am I the only one sitting down???? Is it because of my red color boxers?

U-Gene: Because I can open my mouth bigger than you-loh!
Vincy: No, mine is bigger!
Je-rome: Prove it guys! Swallow the mic!

Jo Ee! The girl next door!

 Jo Ee: The sunglasses indoors!

The multi-talented Sammy. He can play the guitar and stick out his tongue at the same time. 
You can or not?

Sammy has sideburns! 
You got or not?


Semasa itu para penarik beca berehat seketika.

 "Oh Rocky oh Rocky... so good you can even eat it own its own!"

Cue to music: Akon's "Lonely, I am so lonely..." (Chipmunk voice)

Cue to music: "I'm so lonely! I could die!" (deep voice)

U-gene: Why are you laughing?
Vincy: I'm about to fall off the chair! I just wanna make sure that I die laughing!

Tiga sekawan - selalu kongsi berkongsi. Biskut coklat pun mesti dikongsi. 

Je-rome: (Whispering) Let me tell you a secret. Are you ready? Ok. 
"A Secret".

Je-rome: (Whispering again) Let me tell you another secret. Are you ready?
"Another Secret".

This is how you should look like when YOUKNOWWHATTODO.
This is how you look like when YOUDUNNOWHATTODO!
Ykit: Now I teach you how to react to spasms. Remember not to shout "抽筋啊! 抽筋啊!" (because not everybody understands Chinese.)

The hard-working lollipop labors all having something in their mouths during a tea break.

Vincy to Jo Ee: Joey, why don't you look me straight in the eyes... and tell me... honestly....
are they cleaned properly?"

(Please take note that the writer ran out of things to say for this photo's caption)

Dor was asked what does she eats for lunch everyday. 
Smilingly, she answered "I eat lies evelyday for runch."

 Black guys and gal, being very emo and stuff. Is that true, you asked? No it's LIES.

The person holding the banner is Jeremy. Don't believe? See the next photo!

See! I told you it's Jeremy, right?
The bass-slapper!


The wife-slapper!


Eh, why hugging so hard? Practice only!!!


Eh! Why hugging so hard! Acting only!!!

Least, but not last. You know how hard the Red-Shirt Dancers practiced their dance?
The photos are the evidence.
We'll start with the "after" photo first!



Phwaarrrrrrrrrrr! So terror one! Just relax relax onli! Then next day can dance already. Fuiyoh!

See their hard work and sweat? 

Do you know that we are really proud of the youths and the leaders?

Who all worked so hard and sacrificed so much to help make this work. 

Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, thank you all! 

Really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, love you all! 

May the love and the peace of the Lord be with you always! GOD BLESS!!!