Tuesday, September 7, 2010


For those having their holidays currently, have a HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!

You all deserve a break from the toils of school and studies =) but do take care of your safety during this period.

And as we take care of our physical body, do also take care of your spiritual body. continue to practice our faith in God, our almighty Father. For with faith only comes true peace, the peace of God which will "guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:7b)

Anyway, do make use of this break to recharge and energise yourselves for the challenges that lie ahead =)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy National Day

CGBC Youth wishes Malaysia a HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!!!

In the national day message, PM Najib said that the time had come for the current generation to take the lead to propel the country to greater heights. Similarly, what better time is it than now for this current generation of CGBC YOUTHS to take the lead for Jesus, our Almighty God?

How exactly do we do that? We will need to worship God, not only just in church every Sunday, but every day, in our daily life. God is not interested in religious pageantry and ceremony, but He is concerned with LIFE. Hebrews 13:9b says "It is good for our hearts to be strengthened by grace, not by ceremonial foods, which are of no value to those who eat them." Christianity is not a matter of externals but a matter of the heart.

So even as we go about our daily life, remember that we are to continue practising our faith. Hebrews 13 also teaches us to "keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." (v1-2)

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:27

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Faith in God

As we start off this brand new week, do take heart that God is with us. Every tests we might face, when we feel lonely, left behind, God is with us.

Keep the faith in God =)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sermon From Singapore #2

Hey all,

Just wanted to share what Pastor Dave Mann (Bartley Christian Church) spoke to us about because I feel that this is something very relevant to us youths, and applies to our daily life.

One of the most complexing passage of the Bible is Genesis 22, about how God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. Now people ask, why would a loving God, whose love is the biggest love of all, ask someone to sacrifice his loved one? After all, Isaac is Abraham's one true son (vs Ishmael). Below are some points to show why.

Firstly, God knew what He was asking. That's quite duh right, I mean, God is omniscient, that's a well-known fact. Now that we have established that, we look at Abraham's unquestioning obedience. In Genesis 22:3, we read that his reply was immediate, he set off "early the next morning".

Now Abraham believed that Isaac would be raised (from the dead). After all, God promised earlier that "through Isaac your offspring will be reckoned" (Genesis 21:12). He told his servants that "WE (i.e. Abraham & Isaac) will come back to you" (Genesis 22:5). We can see this reasoning in Hebrews 11:17-19 too. Abraham knew God's promise, he just did not know how God was going to fulfill His promise, but through FAITH he followed His command.

This leads us to the next point. This is actually a phophetic prefiguring of Jesus' sacrifice for the world. God asked Abraham to go to Mount Moriah, which would later become Jerusalam, and the place where Jesus died on the cross. God will sacrifice his one and only son, Jesus. And just as Isaac carried the wood for the sacrifice (Genesis 22:6), Jesus carried the cross.

Finally, we look at what came out of all these. The result was blessings came to Abraham and his descendants (Genesis 22:17-18). God intended to bless Abraham from the very beginning. Consider this, whose benefit was the whole thing for? Did God need to test Abraham to make Himself sure? God already knew what was in Abraham's heart, He is omniscient, after all.

How do we apply all these to ourselves? The reason we struggle in life is because we doubt. We cannot understand everything (Abraham did not have all the answers). And the key to all peace in all things is to trust in God. And this trust has to be surrendered/unconditional trust. Then we go through a journey (Abraham to Mount Moriah) in which we need to re-establish a view of God that is bigger than the view of our problems. We must choose to release our burdens to God and worship Him for who He is.

So remember, when times come and we get confused, instead of questioning God, we need to get our mindset right and trust Him instead.

"When I look at the world I feel distressed,
When I look at myself I feel depressed,
But when I look at Christ, all is at rest."
- Corrie ten Boom

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Prayer Request

Hey all CGBC Youths,

As some of you may have known by now, one of our brothers in Christ is currently lying in the hospital receiving treatment for a broken leg.

Samuel Lopez injured his leg while playing soccer on Sunday. He got tackled and fell awkwardly, breaking his right fibula (lower leg bone) and tearing a few ligaments too. He just had his operation today and is currently recuperating. He will probably remain in the hospital for a couple more days.

Please keep him in your prayers so that he will get well soon and continue praising and serving the Lord.

"Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. An earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results" - James 5:16

Thursday, March 25, 2010


COME COME COME. Its gonna be so awesome.

our FB event link:

Saturday, January 30, 2010


4-6! See You guys there!
Gonna have an awesome cell time. So see you there!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sermon from Singapore

Hey everyone, Joel here from Singapore. Just want to share what I got from today's sermon in Gospel Light Christian Church with you all. The speaker was Pastor Les Heinze from Red Rocks Baptist Church, Colorado (http://www.redrocksministries.org/).

It centers around the story of Joseph, Genesis 42 - 50. As most people know, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers (Genesis 37:28), sent into prison by Potiphar's wife (Genesis 39), yet in the end became in charge over the whole land of Egypt. In many ways, Joseph is like a face of Jesus, betrayed by close people (Judas), but became the saviour of the land, Joseph saved Egypt and possibly the surrounding countries from the famine (Genesis 41).

From the story of Joseph, there are 3 lessons to be learnt.

Firstly, it is not what you remember, but what you choose to forget.
Joseph had all the reasons to not help his brothers when they came to ask for food. He had the power to refuse to grant them any grain, but he didn't do as such. Before they even went to Egypt, Joseph had already forgiven them of the evil they have done agaisnt him. In fact, he named his firstborn Manasseh, which means forgetting (Genesis 41:51). If he had kept all the hatred in his heart, hatred of people who have done him wrong, not just including the brothers, he wouldn't have been able to save the land of Egypt.

Secondly, it is not what you achieve, but what you become.
Joseph probably had the worst imaginable career track, from shepherd, to house slave, to dungeon dweller, and to prime minister (or something like that). Not a career path many of us would wish for, well, maybe the last part =) but anyway, through all these, Joseph still worshipped God, and God blessed Joseph. In Genesis 39:5, God blessed the household cause of Joseph, in Genesis 39: 21, the Lord was with Joseph and granted him favour in the prison warden's eyes. In everything we do, we need to be Christ-centered, and God will bless us in return.

Thirdly and lastly, it is not how high you climb, but how low you bow.
In other words, it is not ability nor tenacity, but humility before God. Joseph had skills, God gave him the gift of intepreting dreams, but when Pharaoh asked for him, his reply was this, "I cannot do it, but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires." (Genesis 41:16) He could have said to Pharaoh, "I'm the best person to do this, I'm your man, without me, you will fail etc. etc." but he didn't, he gave all glory to God. We need to stop being a glory-grabber, but be a glory-giver. It is said for a fruit tree, the most laden branch (means branch with most fruits) bows the lowest.

Ending off with this simple piece of verse

Genesis 50:20
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Hopefully this has been an inspiration, and here's wishing everyone all the best for the week ahead. Remember, people may do you wrong, but God always do you right.

Signing off,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Camp Video

After some tinkering (thanks to Youtube's 10 minutes limit), the camp video is FINALLY ONLINE!!!!

It is in 3 parts.

Videos: Joel, Adrian Yap, Lai Har
Music: A Revolution of Love (Instrumental/Acoustic) by Sam.Y.Lo and Gang; Smile by Uncle Kracker; Solution (Instrumental) by Hillsong United
Everyone who is featured in the videos =)

and of course GOD!!!!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010


SO if you guys wanna have a look, COME FOR CGBC YOUTH MEETING THIS SATURDAY AT 4-6 p.m. ! ALL ARE INVITED!


Credits to Joel Lim who completed this awesomely cool video for all of us to go down memory lane!

Monday, January 4, 2010

When School Becomes a fear...

School has officially STARTED!
Bad news to most eh... It was the same for me but it turn out to be a blessing instead.

Sunday night, the night before school. I was going through so much emotions. Bad one's though kind of because of the resposibilities ahead and well basically school...
Knew I needed to start my revisions cause this is a tough year ahead, yet this emotions keep distracting me and i felt so uncomfortable. So opted to turn to the Lord. Spend some quiet time with Him and He gave me this

Joshua 1v9
"Have I not commanded you? Be STRONG and COURAGEOUS. Do NOT be terrified; do NOT be discouraged, for the LORD your God WILL be with you WHEREVER you go."

I was soo soo encouraged. Just what I needed to be strong and courageous! And most IMPORTANTLY He reminded me that WHEREVER and i mean WHEREVER I go HE is with me and He is with you too! Let noone discourage you as school resumes. For the Lord is with you. He will deliver you, He is your assurance and as Aunty Esther proclaimed, "This is the year of ABUNDANCE!"

The Favour of the Lord is upon YOU!

Proclaim this in your life this year,
Luke 4v18,19
"The Spirit fo the Lord is on me,
Because He has anointed me
to preach Good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed,
to proclaim the year of the Lord's FAVOUR!"

God Bless
Camp Commander
(gonna expire soon... HAHAHA)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 Year in Review

Hey all CGBC YOUTHS!!!

2009 has been a great year. AWESOME, don't you think?

As we look back, here are some of the great things that has happened to our youth.

We had our easter dance performance......

We had several guests, Mr. Alan Collingwood etc. and of course, the cool people from YWAM!!!

We even had some of our youths going back to their roots, the place where it all started, KKC (King's Kids' Church) and gave their testimonies.

and of course we had our AWESOME X-TREME MAKEOVER YOUTH CAMP 2009!!!!
*camp video coming out soon... XD can't wait for it

and we ended the year on a bang with our Christmas performance

Undoubtedly, God has bless our youth group a lot this year, and we look forward to more great stuff in year 2010!!!